Sunday, April 4, 2010

Response to Mike Sorenson's Blog Post

Mike's post on Tiger Woods and Nike golf was very interesting. To realize how much money he has made from endorsing Nike Golf is crazy! To make millions of dollars for wearing Nike clothes, use Nike clubs, and use Nike balls is outrageous. During Mike's post he said "Nike Golf would be nothing without Tiger Woods" and I agree with that. Yeah, Nike would still do well without Tiger, but not nearly as well as they would like. Tiger Woods has brought so much more money in for Nike Golf than any other Professional golfer would. Another part of Mike's blog that made a lot of sense was when he talks about how other golf companies have been around a lot longer than Nike has and once Tiger Woods signed with Nike the revenue that Nike Golf brought in sky rocketed. Tiger Woods made Nike Golf what it is today and he is worth every penny they paid him.
The one thing I did find interesting about Mike's blog post was that he didn't say anything about this situation with Tiger Woods and his wife that has recently hit the news. I believe that this brought down some revenue that Nike Golf brought in but people aren't interested in his personal life, they are interested in the fact that he is the greatest golfer in the world. Their thought process is, if Tiger Woods uses these clubs and balls, then that is what I should use as well.

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