Thursday, March 25, 2010

Speech Evaluation

Throughout my speech I chose to talk about how to properly tape a hockey stick. Not many people knew the techniques and what the tape was even for so I thought it would be something that would interest them. I first talked about how to tape the knob of the stick and the purpose of that. I showed a few different ways of how to tape the knob and which ways were the best to do so. From there I talked about taping the blade of the stick. I showed the two different colors of tape and where to start. I showed the class that you start at the heel of the blade and work your way up to the toe. I also talked about the purpose of this and how it hides and grips the puck.

During my presentation I thought I had good energy and enthusiasm. I knew what I was talking about and spoke loudly and clear for everyone to hear. Throughout my speech I had good eye contact when I was talking and while I was taping the knob and the blade of the stick I would stop and show the class what I was doing and have eye contact during that as well. My physical demonstration overall I thought was good. It was a little difficult to see the tape on the stick for the people in the back so if I did it again I would pass it around next time for the class to look at a little closer.

Overall I think it was an effective speech. I would imagine not many kids in the class knew what all of the tape was for if they even knew you used tape on the stick. I believe that it brought interest to the class to see what I do everyday before I go onto the ice.

If I were to give another speech I would definitely choose this topic again because I believe not many people know much about hockey and I also think it is interesting to learn about sports. I would like to have it be a little more smooth but as far as the visual aid goes there isn’t much more you could use. If I had to do this speech again I would pass around the stick at the end so people could see what the tape job looks like.

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