Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thoughts of Defense of Food

In todays world experts on nutrition do not know enough about all the different kinds of foods to tell us what and when to eat. Yeah, processed foods are bad, but almost all our restaurants use processed foods. Knowing that nobody should eat out but many people do. Michael Pollen believes that whole foods are the only natural way to achieve good health. He believes you should eat a peach off a tree not out of a can because they take all the nutrients out of it and add sugar to it. They do this to make it taste better and it tricks them into thinking they are eating healthy but in reality they are not at all. He believes that people used to eat what their ancestors ate and what their culture ate. Many cultures thrived doing this and were very healthy but the only culture that this did not work for is the "Western Diet." Eating is more than just giving your body what it needs to be healthy, it is to enjoy food and enjoy the company around you. You should go out and enjoy a tasteful meal with your friends and family whether it is healthy or not. Michael Pollan says in his book, "People in America are starting to have an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy."
I believe that the Western Diet is struggling more than other cultures because of the fast food restaurants. I agree with Michael Pollan that foods should not have the nutritious part of foods taken out. This causes heart disease and all around health problems with people from this culture.
I also agree with Michael Pollan when he says that we should be eating tasteful things that we like and to enjoy with the people that are closest to us. That makes life worth living in my opinion. A good meal with a fun crowd can create very memorable moment. You should be able to enjoy your food and embrace the taste of it.
The last thing I agree on that Pollan says is the fact that he thinks that people are too obsessed with eating healthy. People lose their minds about eating healthy but in return they don't always get all the nutrition they need to keep their body going strong and healthy. Yeah they may appear to look in shape but in reality their body is suffering.